
North Walsham via Sidestrand.

A large chunk of to-day was given over to the RSPB garden watch. An hour in our garden and another in Rai and Barbara's - they're in Thailand. Just opposite but their garden puts ours in the shade with regard to species variety. Backing on to farmland and a group of large mature oaks nearby must help.
We were on the way to Sainsbury's when the pager informed us that a Tundra Bean Goose was now viewable from a layby opposite the school in Sidestrand. Good to get a full house of Bean geese and it wasn't much of a detour....
Joining several others, at first look the field was empty - apart from a single Egyptian Goose. Careful scoping found the Bean Goose asleep in a furrow. Not exactly crippling views nor easily identifiable either. Most unsatisfactory, will try again in the week.

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